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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Quantitative
  • Simple Percentage
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000


Communication is defined as "an interaction process in which individuals or groups relate to one another and exchange information, experiences, and culture" (Okunna, 1999). Bridges and gulfs are built as a result of such interactions. It is also through such relationships that the globe may be transformed into a global community. Man has always discovered a means to interact with one another from time immemorial. Agba, (2002) stated that Communication has developed from what it was in prehistoric times to what it is today due to its function as one of the most important aspects of human life. McLuhan's forecast of a global village has come true in the sense that the globe has become a global village or a miniature village in the sense that everyone in that setting is interconnected in some manner (Moran, & Shahar, 2013). Globalization,  has been facilitated by communication and the use of internet (Mwaura, Kimani James 2014).

The term information and communication technology (ICT) refers to the integration of audiovisual and telephone networks with computer networks via a single cabling or connection system. There are significant economic incentives to combine the telephone network and the computer network system through the use of a single unified system of cabling, signal delivery, and administration (Agba, 2002). ICT is an umbrella phrase that encompasses any form of communication equipment, including radio, television, cell phones, computer and network hardware, satellite systems, and so on, as well as the myriad services and appliances that go with them, such as video conferencing and distant learning. ICT also encompasses analog technology, such as paper communication, and any means of communication that sends data (Okunna, 1999).

(ICT) an abbreviation for information technology (IT), emphasizes the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals) and computers, as well as the necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audiovisual, to allow users to access, store, transmit, understand, and manipulate information. An area with sufficiently sophisticated technology is synonymous with economic progress, political independence, educational advancement, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, and overall national development. ICT is highly important for man's well-being; in our contemporary day, everyone has profited to some level from technology; in fact, it is nearly impossible to live a fulfilling life without the use of technology (Moran, & Shahar, 2013).

The benefits of these technologies are being outweighed by the moral decadence, and ethical decline brought about by new ICT among Nigerian youths, so the use of ICT has become a source of worry among many people. It is being looked at as something that can cause considerable harm and at the same time, can be used for efficiency. It has been speculated that it has been brought about behavioural decadence among the youths.

Morality is a notion that defies a generally agreed definition since what is regarded ethically correct in one cultural environment may be the reverse in another. Decadence, means morals have been overvalued; they are now regarded as outdated, obsolete, valueless, a cliché, and old fashioned. Morality or good behaviour is now regarded as a feature of the old world, but in the new world, anything goes. There was a time when immorality was frowned upon, but the modern society has sanctified immorality under the pretext of civilisation (Mwaura, Kimani 2014).

Mwaura, Kimani (2014), observed that In all groups, youths are the most susceptible of all groups because to their inquiring brains, impressionable age, and adventurous spirits. There was a time in Nigeria when morality was the order of the day, and indiscipline and corrupt activities were frowned upon by all and everyone. That was before the occurrence of the jet age. With recent events, one might wonder what the internet has done to the conscience, rationality, and morals of Nigerian youth in particular, and Nigerians in general. With the coming of internet and subsequently information and communication technology, the behavioural pattern of youths in the Nigerian society has gone from bad to worse.


Technology improvements have considerably aided modernization and globalization in decreasing the world into a global village. One such breakthrough is the internet and its popularity and effectiveness in unifying the globe as one (Okunna,1999). In order to be compatible with globalization, Nigeria has pushed internet evolution into practically every home. Regardless, there has been a severe fall in Nigeria's moral norms as a growing nation, and there is a widespread belief that the internet and its communication technology is to blame for this decadence. A country's existence and prosperity, and future are dependent on its youth and their ability to rule. With the way youths are being addicted to the internet and other internet based technology, the rate at which youths behaviour has plummeted, is alarming. It is so worrisome that one wonders how and to what extent the internet will go in destroying the morals and behaviour of our youth (Mwaura, Kimani 2014).


This study is aimed at assessing ICT and its effect On Nigerian youths Behavioral decadence. Other aims of this study are:

  1. To determine the level of awareness of information and communication technology among youth
  2. To determine the relationship between information and communication technology and youth behavioural decadence.
  3. To determine the negative effects of ICT on youths.


  1. What is the level of awareness of information and communication technology among youth?
  2. What is the relationship between information and communication technology and youth behavioural decadence?
  3. What are the negative effects of ICT on youths?

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